“Light shall shine out of darkness.” 2 Corinthians 4:6
Malawi Project
The Malawi Project Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit, organization, chartered in the United States, and headquartered in Lebanon, Indiana. It focuses on helping the African nation of Malawi in the areas of agriculture, education, medicine, food sustainability, famine relief, community development, and the advancement of church and community leadership. The Project functions under the leadership of a U.S.-based six-member board of directors, all of who serve in a volunteer capacity.
The Project focuses on the areas of agriculture, education, medicine, food sustainability, famine relief, community development, and the development of church and community leaders.
Formed in 1999 the Malawi Project functions under the leadership of a six-member board of directors, all who serve in a volunteer capacity. Each member has committed himself or herself to using resources outside the Project for travel, work and office expenses. This allows contributions to be focused on programs and supplies that help the people of Malawi.
The Project crosses religious, civil, community, ethical, tribal, and social lines in its effort to assist the poorest members of society.
Major attention is given to helping the people get on their feet and manage their own future. Care is given not to create dependency through aid packages, and many of its programs have incentives built into them to move the recipients to independent and self-sustainable lifestyles.